Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blog 10

Blog 10: Dreams ----- Many people throughout the story had dreams or goals in life which they either pursued or pushed under the carpet. Lily wanted to teach or write but was always told she wasn't good enough. The only person who knew about her passion was Zach. He bought her a notebook and told her to write. He thought that she could do whatever she put her mind to. Zach had big dreams of his own. He wanted to be a lawyer for black people. Not only did he want to help people, he wanted to make a difference in the world. He told Lily, "'We can't think of changing our skin...Change the world-that's how we gotta think'" (216). Zach knew that the chances of getting into a college to be a lawyer were slim for a black boy and that making a living after college was going to be difficult. But he pursued his dream because he was passionate about it. August also had dreams, even though she seemed to be living them out in front of everyone. She wanted to own her own house, which she did. She also wanted to be able to support her sisters and not have to worry about money. She did this through her business selling honey. She was happy tending the bees, living with her family, and being able to provide. In the end Lily, Zach and August all were pursuing their dreams for the future.

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