Wednesday, May 4, 2011

August and the Bees


  1. I’ve heard people compare August to the queen bee, saying that she’s in charge and keeps the hive together. I do think that she keeps everything together like the queen bee does, but the queen bee also doesn’t really do anything aside from making baby bees. August tell Lily about the queen saying, “I guess I’d want comfort, too, if I did nothing but lay eggs all day long, week in and week out” (149). But August definitely doesn’t sit around and let other people take care of her. She works hard and kind of takes care of everyone else, more like a field bee, a nest builder, or a nurse bee. She has certain qualities of the mortician bees as well when May dies. August lets everyone have their time to grieve, but then she gets everyone back to work, cleaning the dead out of their hive. August also keeps the peace between June and everyone else; she listens to and takes care of Lily when she’s hurting; she is the leader in the pink house. That statement would lead some people to say that she’s the queen bee, but only if they don’t know what the queen bee really does. August is much more than the queen bee; she is the best parts of all the different kinds of bees put together.
