Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mary and Hope

It is a commen concept that hope is evident in African American religous circles. Because of the bondage that their race has had to go through and the pain that they've had to endure hope is something that many hold onto. The representation of hope is valid throughout the novel, mostly in the character of Lilly. In some ways it reminds me of the theology of hope that Jorgwn Moltmann writes about.
Through Mary, Jesus' mother the characters live with strength which in turns gives a stronger sense of hope for a better tomorrow. I like to think that becuase of the story and their love for Mary that are given a sense of power and a meaning to themselves that they are someone. Especially in the likes of Lilly, who is on a search to find out who she is through her mother's past. Lilly is not content with who she is until she finds out who her mother was befre she was killed. Even when Lilly becomes "closer" to Mary, she still does not find that sense of comfort. Yet, she is given hope that she will one day find out ood things about her mother, and the love that her mother bestowed on her before she died.

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