Sunday, May 1, 2011

Encouraging Words


  1. I think that the book The Secret Life of Bees also shows the importance and power of encouraging words. Because her dad had always made her feel stupid, it changed Lily’s whole world when her teacher believed in her “’Please, Lily, you are insulting your fine intelligence. Do you have any idea how smart you are? You could be a professor or a writer with actual books to your credit. Beauty school. Please.’ It took me a month to get over the shock of having life possibilities” (16).

    Another thing Lily was never encouraged about was her image. “I needed all the help that fashion could give me, since no one, not a single person, had ever said, ‘Lily, you are such a pretty child’” (8). Because of this she had horrible self-esteem, never believing she could fit in. Being fourteen and going through puberty is an important age to be encouraged.

    “’Mostly, though, I want you to know, I love you. Just like I loved your mother.’ August stood up, but I stayed where I was, holding her words inside me” (243). When August told Lily that she loved her it again changed Lily’s life. She had worth because she was loved.

  2. Tori,

    I can't imagine not feeling truly loved by my parents, which was Lily's experience. I do know that we all need an encouraging word. God gave each of us gifts. We are unique individuals with unique possiblities. Sometimes this is easy for us to forget.

    It is wonderful when someone else notices our gift and compliments us. Still, if we seek to know Him, and know who we are in Him, we can encourage ourselves. It is Jesus who makes us worthy. He is the giver. We each have a purpose and our own path. If we keep our eyes on Him, we will not be looking around to compare ourselves to others.

    This is still difficult for me, and I'm a bit farther down my path than you are. I'm working on it. All of us have our moments when we feel inadequate and undeserving. We are inadequate and undeserving except for one thing. He died for our sins, and through Him we are more than up to the task He has set out for us. We are covered by His blood, and nothing can take that away.
