Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Child as Murderer

I think this is a subject that bothered me throughout the book: did Lilly actually kill her mother as a child? It's probably due to my interesting imagination, but I have some hope that Lilly never actually did it. It puzzles me that a little girl could actually pick up a loaded gun, point and shoot it. I mean she was very young, how exactly did she have the strength to do that? I know it is a novel, and therefore anything can happen, but the tradgety of it all leaves me uneasy.
Part of me wonders if T-Ray actually made up the entire scene and somewhat "brain-washed" Lilly into thinking that she was the one who killed her mother. Either way, it explains a lot about Lilly's personality and how she doesn't really trust herself or anyone else around her. She is timid, but has spirit...but she doesn't know what to do with it.
The psycology of it all is very interesting, because of the fact that Lilly was so young when it all happened, and with a father like T-Ray I'm surprised that she was so normal.

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